warner brothers classic cartoons

This chart is a portion of an interactive infographic project that covered all 39 years (1930 to 1969) of Warner Brothers’ classic era of animation, during which the studio released 1,002 animated films. That project included lookups for directors and casts of all the movies. This excerpt shows just 1930 through 1944, when the censored 11—represented here by orange dots—were released. The censored 11 were films omitted from later distribution because of offensive racial stereotypes.

ToolsI connected the sheet to Tableau, where I created the chart.DataI manually compiled data into Google Sheets from Wikipedia, IMDb, the Internet Animation Database, Fandom, and Cartoon Research.Click to open the interactive version at Tableau Pub…


I connected the sheet to Tableau, where I created the chart.


I manually compiled data into Google Sheets from Wikipedia, IMDb, the Internet Animation Database, Fandom, and Cartoon Research.

Click to open the interactive version at Tableau Public. Hover over any dot for more details, such as complete casts; firsts, lasts, and onlies; and awards nominated for or won.


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